Life Update | Where Have I Been?
Hey my lovelies, long time no speak! Firstly, I owe you all a huge apology for going radio silent on here for what feels like the longest time. Since my last post in the middle of March, life just seems to have gone at 100 miles an hour and I still haven't had time to catch a breath. This is the longest I've been away since I started my blog back in August 2020 and I hate not posting, as I love writing these posts and creating content for you guys. However, I have been going through some huge life changes, so before we get back into all things books and fashion, I thought we should have a sit down and catch-up.
So, where have I been? The truthful answer is, I've been sat at my desk. So remember back in February I was working in my retail job throughout Lockdown and making plans to return to University in September? Well, that is not going to happen anymore, as I actually have a NEW JOB.
If you follow me on Instagram then you'll already know, but towards the end of March I got contacted via LinkedIn for an Editorial Assistant role. Obviously at the time I had my part-time retail job, but as soon as I read the application I was sold and thought to myself, what have I got to lose? So I sent off my CV and Cover Letter, was asked for an interview, and here we are now. I feel incredibly lucky to have this opportunity, because if I'm perfectly honest, this was not on my radar. But I'm now almost a month in (enjoying that work from home lifestyle) and loving every second. So yes, I've been sat at my desk this whole time.
My life has completely changed within a short space of time. I now work full-time, Monday to Friday, restrictions are being eased in England so we can actually SOCIALISE, and I'm trying to balance Instagram and blogging around all of that. It's safe to say, I've been a little bit busy. Forever grateful to be productive and have these opportunities, but adjusting from student life, to part-time work, to now full-time postgraduate job is really quite hard. This is something I would love to talk more about and share my thoughts, feelings and tips, as I try to navigate this new chapter of my life. So let me know if this is something you would be interested in hearing more about.
There we go my lovelies. There's my update! I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I know the world is slowly returning back to some form of reality, but please do not feel pressured to jump straight in and be going out constantly. Trust me, as much as I would love to do that, I just don't think my brain or body could cope with it. Hope you're all looking after yourselves and *fingers crossed* we can start returning to regular uploads on here. See you all soon for another blog post! Lots of love xoxo
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