Life Update | Where I Am Now
Hi my lovelies, happy Friday! I hope you are all well and can finally (*fingers crossed*) see a light at the end of the tunnel. I asked on my Instagram the other day what blog posts you would like to see from me, as I was having one of those weeks where my mind was drawing to a blank, and along with a lot of really helpful suggestions were a lot of requests for more personal and experience related posts. Whether these be my experiences at university and adjusting to life at home, or maybe some more intimate posts about my thoughts and feelings. I often forget that I created this space not only to write about books, fashion and makeup, which don't get me wrong are all things I love, but it's also a space for me to share my experiences in the hopes it might help those of you who may be feeling or have felt a similar way.
So, with that being said, I thought today we could have a little catch-up. The last time I did one of these was a short paragraph way back in December in my 'Mid-Month Check-In' post, so I guess we're well overdue a catch-up. As you will know if you live in the UK, we have been in Lockdown 3.0 pretty much since Christmas, so like many I haven't been up to much and do feel like I'm living the same day on repeat. If I'm honest, I haven't really given much thought to how I'm truly feeling before sitting down and writing this post, so here goes...
As in November, I have remained at work during the third Lockdown helping the company operate their Click & Collect operation. Whilst I am truly grateful to be earning an income during a time where so many people are struggling financially, I have to be honest and say that, at times, I haven't felt entirely safe and comfortable; which I don't think is a surprise. In regards to the pandemic, like most, I feel increasingly anxious about the world we find ourselves entering and worry how I will cope with a post-lockdown life. However, I am more optimistic with the vaccine and can't wait until the day I can see my friends, enjoy nice food at my favourite bars and restaurants and for those borders to open so I can hop on a plane.
Luckily, and something I am very grateful for, my boyfriend has moved in for the duration of this Lockdown, so I have been very grateful to have his comfort and support when I know so many couples are torn apart by distance at the minute (sending all the love in the world to you guys <3 ). He's actually teaching online for his PGCE, so we've created a routine which works for us and means we are both able to have productive days.
In January, I started a new position as an editor with @newgraduate - a platform for students and graduates to share their experiences and struggles as they leave university and learn to navigate postgraduate life - something I am still trying to work out myself. It has been great to join the team and work together to create some really amazing and useful articles, and a pleasure to meet (even if it is virtually) a lovely group of people who are so supportive and kind that they really bring a smile to my face :). If any of you haven't come across them before then make sure to drop them a follow on IG (they're also on Twitter, LinkedIn and have a Facebook Group you can request to join) and visit their website - Especially if you are a student or postgrad who might be struggling, there are so many articles which may resonate with you and may be able to help!
In regards to postgraduate life and my feelings towards that, I think this is what I have been struggling with the most. It's coming up to a year since I had to pack up and leave my uni house in Worcester and as we move closer to the anniversary, I find I'm missing that life more than ever. I'm still hopeful I will return to university in September for a masters and am actually looking to apply over the course of the next few weeks, so any postgraduate application advice would be very much appreciated! I had a real cry the other night (it is reaching that time of the month, which I think is also partly to blame) about the good old uni days and how far away they seem to me right now. It really was the best time of my life, and even 12 months on I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact I will never get that time again.
To be honest guys, I think that's pretty much all I have to report. I'm trying to keep myself busy and active during this time, which is by no means me saying "this is what you must do to get through Lockdown". If you just get up and get dressed today then that is a huge achievement in itself. Keeping busy is what helps me feed my brain and keep my anxiety at bay, but whatever it is that helps you please make sure you are making the time to do it and taking some time to really look after yourself. Life is hard enough as it is without us having time out to love ourselves <3.
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